Surprises Around Every Corner
So, this summer I was supposed to be teaching World History, but a few days before the session started I was destaffed. Apparently, the numbers that were projected were far higher than what they actually turned out to be. Due to my lack of seniority I, along with many others happened to be an odd man out. I was; however, offered a job teaching elementary (not high school) aged students with autism. I must admit it was not something that I wanted to do, but being jobless so late in the game it wasn't like I had any alternatives lined up. So, with reservations I took the "lesser" job.
The job consists of a four week period of half days lasting from 7:30-11:30. But, we're talking about dealing with kids with such severe needs that it almost requires having one adult for every kid in order to maintain safety, stability, civility, and peace. This week was week three and on Wednesday and Thursday I was surprised to see one of my high school students from last year grace me with her presence. (Her aunt happened to be working there and she came in with her because she apparently did not have a whole lot else going on, or at least that is what I thought). This attractive, young fifteen year old blonde, who has a minor learning disability herself did a fairly adequate job of filling the typical dumb blonde stereotype during last school year. But, when she showed up in my elementary autism class this week I saw a completely different person. She came in the room and said hello and proceeded to observe what was going on for about five minutes. She then asked me if I minded if she helped out with the kids. I said sure wanting any help that I could receive yet having no expectations of her having any more success with these kids than I was having. Within minutes though, she was achieving results that I had desired for days, but was unable to remotely come close to. I couldn't believe what I was watching, yet I could not have been more ecstatic. This rather unconfident flaky teen had transformed right before my very eyes into a audacious, effective, and competent teacher. After the school day had ended I praised her for her successful efforts and asked her if this was something that she might consider doing down the road. She admitted that it was.
You know, high school can be such a terrible place, a place where kids put each other and themselves in boxes, and it is usually because they fear rejection or failure. But, when they are in a place where they can feel comfortable enough to be their true selves some beautiful things begin to be birthed. There is a good chance that I will have this girl in my history class again this upcoming school year. I look forward to encouraging her in building on her talents and following her passions. I look forward to doing everything I can to provide a positive atmosphere that is conducive to kids discovering who they are so that they can fulfill all of the potential that lies in them.
So, this summer I was supposed to be teaching World History, but a few days before the session started I was destaffed. Apparently, the numbers that were projected were far higher than what they actually turned out to be. Due to my lack of seniority I, along with many others happened to be an odd man out. I was; however, offered a job teaching elementary (not high school) aged students with autism. I must admit it was not something that I wanted to do, but being jobless so late in the game it wasn't like I had any alternatives lined up. So, with reservations I took the "lesser" job.
The job consists of a four week period of half days lasting from 7:30-11:30. But, we're talking about dealing with kids with such severe needs that it almost requires having one adult for every kid in order to maintain safety, stability, civility, and peace. This week was week three and on Wednesday and Thursday I was surprised to see one of my high school students from last year grace me with her presence. (Her aunt happened to be working there and she came in with her because she apparently did not have a whole lot else going on, or at least that is what I thought). This attractive, young fifteen year old blonde, who has a minor learning disability herself did a fairly adequate job of filling the typical dumb blonde stereotype during last school year. But, when she showed up in my elementary autism class this week I saw a completely different person. She came in the room and said hello and proceeded to observe what was going on for about five minutes. She then asked me if I minded if she helped out with the kids. I said sure wanting any help that I could receive yet having no expectations of her having any more success with these kids than I was having. Within minutes though, she was achieving results that I had desired for days, but was unable to remotely come close to. I couldn't believe what I was watching, yet I could not have been more ecstatic. This rather unconfident flaky teen had transformed right before my very eyes into a audacious, effective, and competent teacher. After the school day had ended I praised her for her successful efforts and asked her if this was something that she might consider doing down the road. She admitted that it was.
You know, high school can be such a terrible place, a place where kids put each other and themselves in boxes, and it is usually because they fear rejection or failure. But, when they are in a place where they can feel comfortable enough to be their true selves some beautiful things begin to be birthed. There is a good chance that I will have this girl in my history class again this upcoming school year. I look forward to encouraging her in building on her talents and following her passions. I look forward to doing everything I can to provide a positive atmosphere that is conducive to kids discovering who they are so that they can fulfill all of the potential that lies in them.
At 6:30 AM,
Mike Croghan said…
Wow. Awesome!
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